• Sinta 3 Accreditation


    Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb ... Salam Olahraga, We hereby express our gratitude to all Author, Editor, and Reviewer for their dedication in helping us in each publication so that with the issuance of Decree of Kementerian Riset, Teknologi/Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional No. 85/M/KPT/2020, April 1, 2020, JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga goes up in rank, which was originally the National Journal of SINTA 4 accredited to SINTA 3. This is a form of our commitment to increasing achievements JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga to compete in National and International with reputable indexation. Thank you ... Salam Olahraga !!!

    Read more about Sinta 3 Accreditation
  • Open Recruitment to be Honorable Editor and Reviewer


    JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga editorial board welcomes you to join us to be Editor and Reviewer.
    Status: Part-time
    Working language: English
    Working style: Internet-based
    Payment: Voluntary job, no payment

    Why review?

    Peer review – and reviewers – are at the heart of the academic publishing process.
    There are great benefits to becoming a reviewer. You can:
    1. Establish your expertise in the field and expand your knowledge
    2. Improve your reputation and increase your exposure to key figures in the field
    3. Stay up to date with the latest literature and have advanced access to research results
    4. Develop critical thinking skills essential to research
    5. Advance in your career – peer review is an essential role for researchers

    a). possess a master or doctoral degree in the specific subject related closely to the JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga;
    b). hold a job at a university or academic organization, in a teaching or research position;
    c). be fluent in academic and professional English;
    d). have a strong interest in scholarly journal;
    e). work quickly and accurately to tight deadlines.

    How to apply
    Complete application form http://bit.ly/ApplyJUARA

    Thank You very much.

    Read more about Open Recruitment to be Honorable Editor and Reviewer
  • JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga Terakreditasi SINTA 4


    Assalamualaikum, Wr, Wb... Salam Olahraga, Dengan ini Kami menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada seluruh  Author, Editor dan Reviewer atas dedikasinya telah membantu kami dalam setiap penerbitan sehingga dengan terbitnya Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 10/E/KPT/2019, tanggal 4 April 2019, JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga naik peringkat, yang semula Jurnal Nasional tidak terakreditasi menjadi SINTA 4. Ini Merupakan bentuk kominten kami dalam meningkat reputasi JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga agar dapat bersaing di Nasional dan Internasional dengan indeksasi yang berreputasi. Terima Kasih...Salam Olahraga!!!

    Read more about JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga Terakreditasi SINTA 4