The Effect of Drill Method Training on the Accuracy Ability of Passing Futsal Balls in Extracurricular Students of SMPN 1 BEBER



Mochamad Yarobi (NIM 182223074), The Effect of Drill Method Training on the
Accuracy Ability of Passing Futsal Balls in Extracurricular Students of SMPN 1
BEBER. Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program. The purpose
of this study was to determine the effect of drill method training on the ability of
ball passing accuracy in futsal games for extracurricular students of SMPN 1
BEBER. This study uses experimental research methods. The population and
sample in this study were extracurricular students of SMPN 1 BEBER with a
sample of 12 people. The research instrument used in this study was a passing test
with a distance of 15 meters from the goal. The results of the analysis and
processing of preetest data obtained the lowest passing 3, the highest passing 7,
while the posttest data results obtained the lowest passing 5, the highest passing 9
in 10 trials using the right foot 5 times and the left foot 5 times. This shows an
increase in the passing ability of extracurricular students of SMPN 1 BEBER.
Based on the test, it shows that the two tests have a normal distribution.
Therefore, to test the hypothesis using the independent samples t-test, the pre-test
and post-test values showed a Sig p value of 0.730 > 0.05 in the Equality of
Means section of 0.000, because the Sig value < 0.005, it can be concluded that
there is a significant effect on the ability of passing accuracy using the drill
method on extracurricular students of SMPN 1 BEBER.
Keywords: Passing accuracy and drill method

Keywords: Keywords: Passing accuracy and drill method


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How to Cite
Yarobi, M. (2023). The Effect of Drill Method Training on the Accuracy Ability of Passing Futsal Balls in Extracurricular Students of SMPN 1 BEBER. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 5(2), 5-9.
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