Introduction to non- locomotor movements in elementary school students

  • DAFFA ZIDANE ALFAREZA Universitas muhammadiyah pekajangan pekalongan
  • Naufal Pramuditya Ardhana
  • Nur Annisa Putri
  • Mega Widya Putri


Article of service to elementary school students through the introduction of non-locomotor movement in partnership with elementary school students located at SDN 03 Kedungwuni, Gembong Gang Beringin 1 No. 23 Kedungwuni sub-district, Kedungwuni, there were 7 female students and 11 students who took part in this activity.

The program carried out with partners is the introduction of non-locomotor movement. The method of implementing this activity is carried out by mutual agreement, this service activity is given in 1 meeting within 2 hours, this service will be carried out on Friday 17 November 2023 at 07:00 WIB to 09:00 WIB in the elementary school yard of SDN 03 Kedungwuni.

The results achieved from this activity were that the female students had better non-locomotor movements

Keywords: Non-locomotor movement


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