Jurnal ABDIMAS PAUD https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal ABDIMAS PAUD is a national scientific journal published by the Department of Early Childhood Education, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan which contains the results of research that is raised from theoretical studies and results of research in the field of Early Childhood Education. Journal of Community Servises in Early Childhood Education is published twice a year, namely in June and December. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications which are the results of research conducted by Students, teachers, and educational practitioners. Journal ABDIMAS PAUD contains various disciplines especially in the scope of <strong>education, social humaniora, technology, ECE learning,&nbsp;policy,&nbsp;parenting,&nbsp;child protection and child nutrition and health.</strong></p> en-US ajeng@upmk.ac.id (Ajeng Rahayu Tresna Dewi) badroeni_best@upmk.ac.id (Badroeni) Mon, 16 Dec 2024 05:02:03 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Indonesia https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4157 <p><em>Problems in instilling Islamic values at Al-Mukaromah TPA in Timbang Village involved less interactive learning methods, differences in children's levels of understanding, and a lack of parental attention. These issues resulted in less effective teaching and limited understanding of religious values among children. Parents had not carried out their roles optimally in their children's religious education. This research used qualitative methods with SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) analysis, involving 42 children (22 boys and 20 girls) at Al-Mukaromah TPA. The Real Work Lecture Program (KKN) from Muhammadiyah Kuningan University, which lasted for 40 days, aimed to instill basic Islamic values through teaching fiqh. The program focused on implementing effective teaching methods, encouraging active student participation, and collaborating with TPA managers. Identified opportunities included curriculum development, increased parental involvement, and program expansion. The program aimed to enhance understanding and practice of prayer, build positive habits, and boost community engagement. The results showed an increase in children's knowledge and practice of prayer, positive feedback from children and parents, and productive student involvement. The program succeeded in improving children's understanding and practice of prayer and involving the community in supporting religious education, but it needed to continuously update methods and curriculum to align with current developments and the needs of the children.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Maolana Ibrahim, Nia Kurnia Sari, Mira Dea Syafira, Badroeni, Rini Sarah, Tantra Septiana, Indah Nurcahya N., Dadi Hamdani, Dea Radina, Syahrul Luken F, Dodi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDIMAS PAUD https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4157 Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTASI GERAKAN LITERASI MELALUI PERPUSTAKAAN KELILING DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BACA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR DI DESA KARANGMUNCANG https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4176 <p><em>In this digital era, the interest in reading has become quite rare. Increasing interest in reading is important to pursue. Elementary school students still have low literacy movement due to a lack of interest in reading among students at school, limited availability of reading materials, and insufficient support from teachers in fostering students' reading interest. Research conducted by the Progress in International Reading Literacy Studies (PIRLS) shows that Indonesia ranks 45th out of 48 countries studied in the reading category. This indicates that the reading skills of Indonesian students are still very low. Literacy activities presented in an engaging and enjoyable way can encourage students to be more motivated in reading and learning. The mobile library, or Pusling, serves as a library unit that provides reading services in various locations. This activity is designed to support the reading culture program in the community as well as the School Literacy Movement (GLS). Through the mobile library, students can gain new knowledge, more easily find reading materials that match their interests, and choose books while chatting with friends. Students can become more motivated to read and learn if literacy activities are conducted in an engaging and enjoyable manner.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Literacy Movement, Mobile Libraries, Elementary Schools</em></p> anisa sakina andini, Tio Heriyana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDIMAS PAUD https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4176 Mon, 16 Dec 2024 05:02:55 +0000 EDUKASI POLA ASUH DAN PERKEMBANGAN MOTORIK ANAK PRESCHOOL MELALUI PROGRAM TWINKLE LITTLE STAR https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4182 <p>Pola Asuh yang efektif dan pengembangan motorik yang optimal merupakan kunci dalam mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Program twinkle little star ini mengintegrasikan seminar parenting dengan aktivitas melukis dirancang untuk memberikan solusi konverhensif dalam meningkatkan kedua aspek tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh integrasi seminar parenting dan aktivitas melukis melalui program twinkle little star terhadap pola asuh dan pengembangan motorik anak, focus utama dalam studi ini bagaimana jenis pola asuh yang harus dilakukan orang tua yang dapat mempengaruhi keterampilan motoric halus dan motoric kasar pada anak usia dini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa anak yang memiliki perkembangan fisik-motorik yang baik. Ketika anak mampu mengkoordinasikan gerakan-gerakan otot tubuhnya dengan optimal, lingkungan kondusif, pola asuh orang tua, makanan bergizi menjadi faktor penunjang perkembangan fisik-motorik anak, terutama pada saat mereka masih berada di bawah usia enam tahun (batita). Metode yang digunakan yaitu seminar parenting dan diskusi. Pengabdian ini secara umum berhasil dengan memberikan ilmu parenting kepada masyarakat, khususnya ibu-ibu mengenai hal apa saja yang harus dilakukan dalam pola asuh pada anak.</p> Nabilla Hanifa Septemya, Hana Astria Nur, Wildan Musyafa, Nidaulhasanah, Rifa Tri Khairunnisa Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDIMAS PAUD https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4182 Mon, 16 Dec 2024 05:04:49 +0000 Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Mengenai Pentingnya Peran Orang Tua Dalam Pendidikan di Era Globalisasi 5.0 https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4192 <p><em>This research was conducted by students participating in the Universitas Muhammadiyah Kuningan real work course which was held in Rajadanu Village, Japara District, Kuningan Regency, starting from based on data in that village regarding the lack of attention and role of parents towards education and in efforts to prepare a superior generation to face challenges in the world. In the era of globalization 5.0, which is part of the government's program to create a Golden Indonesia, real work college students and stakeholders in Rajadanu village collaborate by conducting socialization and counseling for parents through educational seminars aimed at making parents aware of their role as people. parents for their children to excel and be able to compete in the era of globalization 5.0.</em></p> Dewi Ratna Purwanti, Dodi Ahmad Haerudin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal ABDIMAS PAUD https://jurnal.upmk.ac.id/index.php/bcare/article/view/4192 Mon, 16 Dec 2024 05:10:05 +0000