JUARA : Jurnal Olahraga 2024-04-23T12:24:20+00:00 Dicky Reva Apriana Sanga Dwi Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga, is a national scientific journal that is open to all learning and sports studies for innovation, creativity, and renewal. JUARA:&nbsp;Jurnal Olahraga is a journal published by the Department of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan. The purpose of this journal is to facilitate scientific publications which are the results of research conducted by students, teachers, academics and researchers. JUARA: Jurnal Olahraga is published every January and July by publishing research results in the fields of <strong>Sports Education &amp; Recreation</strong>, <strong>Sports Management</strong>, and&nbsp;<strong> Sports Science</strong>.</p> THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STRENGTHENING LITERACY CULTURE IN PJOK LEARNING FOR PJOK TEACHERS IN DOBO CITY, ARU ISLANDS 2024-03-31T12:56:07+00:00 Jonas Solissa Yellia Tomasoa Mariana. D Hukubun <p>The objectives of this study are: 1) to find out the implementation of strengthening literacy culture in PJOK learning in junior high school physical education teachers in Dobo Aru Islands, 2) to find out how teachers implement literacy culture in the learning process and in the lesson plan device. The subjects in this study were 25 PE teachers who were divided into several private and public junior high schools in the Aru Islands district. This research is an experimental study using a quantitative descriptive approach with a survey method, the instrument in this study for data collection using a questionnaire. Based on the results of research and data analysis shows that: 1) in the process of implementing learning literacy implementation is in the moderate category, 2) in the implementation of the learning process teachers have several obstacles in implementing a culture of literacy so that implementation in the learning process is less than optimal both in the learning process from opening, implementation to evaluation even in learning tools teachers do not understand and pour in lesson plans.</p> 2024-03-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yellia Tomasoa, Jonas Solissa, Mariana. D Hukubun CONTRIBUTION OF WRIST FLEXIBILITY AND ARM MUSCLE POWER TO SHOOTING RESULTS IN HANDBALL AT PELATDA DKI JAKARTA ATHLETES 2024-03-23T04:24:30+00:00 Muhamad Arif Slamet Sukriadi Bazuri Fadillah <p>The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the Contribution of Wrist Flexibility and Arm Muscle Power to Shooting Results in Handball Games in PELATDA DKI Jakarta Athletes. The method used is descriptive method. The study population was PELATDA DKI Jakarta athletes of 20 people using a total sampling technique of 20 people. The data collection technique was by carrying out arm muscle power tests using a medicine ball, wrist flexibility tests using a goniometer and shooting tests on the right and left sides. The data analysis used was multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS 25 program. The results showed that there was a contribution of arm muscle power to shooting Handball in PELATDA DKI Jakarta Athletes of 0.793, which means that this contribution has a strong relationship, then the contribution of wrist flexibility to shooting Handball for PELATDA DKI Jakarta Athletes was 0.619 which means that this contribution also has a strong relationship and a more dominant contribution, namely arm muscle power compared to the contribution of wrist flexibility to shooting Handball for PELATDA DKI Jakarta Athletes.</p> 2024-03-23T04:23:04+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Arif Volleyball Learning Model Based On Teaching Games For Understanding (TGFU) Junior High School Category 2024-04-03T04:46:36+00:00 Samsudin Samsudin <p class="HRPUB-Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to develop a volleyball learning model based on teaching games for understanding (TGFU) for Junior High School Student in SMPN 13 Bekasi City. The research method uses research and development methods adopted from the theory of Borg &amp; Gall. The research subjects in the volleyball passing learning model are upper grade Junior High School students. There are ten steps used in this research, namely needs analysis, initial product creation, expert evaluation, small group trial, product revision, large group trial, product revision, effectiveness test, revision, and final product. The results of the expert validation of Physical Education and Sports learning for the bottom pass of 77.08%, the upper pass of 81.25% so that the is valid. The results of the expert validation of volleyball games were obtained for the lower pass of 79.17% and the upper pass of 83.33% so that it was suitable and easy to use. improve volleyball passing skills worth using. The results of the small group trial obtained 80.73% indicating a good category, the large group trial results were 81.10% with good classification, and the results of the effectiveness test obtained a post-test mean difference test in the control group and the experimental group obtained t0 of 3.386 and t table 1.671 with 60 degrees of freedom and = 0.05. Thus, t0 = 3.386 &gt; ttable = 1.671 or H0 is rejected. The implication of this research is that the volleyball learning model is feasible and effective for use by upper grade Junior High School students. </span></p> 2024-03-31T04:09:48+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Samsudin Samsudin, Dicky Reva Apriana Sanga Dwi Variations In Weekly Load, Training Monotony, and Strain In DBL Academy Students 2024-04-15T09:49:43+00:00 Salma Amalina Bayu Agung Pramono Muhammad I Dewa Made Aryananda Wijaya Kusuma Tengku Melissa Fitrah Binti Tengku Alam <p>The objective of this study was to examine and quantitatively assess the correlation between training load, strain, and RPE adolescent basketball athletes. 10 athletes who were DBL Academy students participated in the study. selected athletes are athletes who are prepared to participate in the DBL championship on the Hoops stage. They practice 3 times in semingu for 3 weeks consisting of technical, tactical, physical, and game programs. The ANOVA and Turkey statistic tests were used to see the difference in training results per week divided into weekly training load, monotony training, and training strains, The coefficient of variation (CV) in a week represents the average CV of all players in each week considering all training sessions. The result of this study was that weekly exercise load variation increased by 21% in the first week and decreased by 3% from the second week to the third week while the coefficient of variation in the week was highest in the first week at 19% and feel stagnant by 18% in the second and third weeks. Average monotony training per week was 1.8 AU and training strain 3508.5 and any strength relation between weekly training load and training strain (r=0.990; sig. 0.000). This study concluded that exercises carried out for 3 weeks had a variety of exercises that supported an increase in exercise load per week which also increased exercise tension. Coaches are important in monitoring weekly training loads; monitoring monotony and strain training will help in preparing athletes to participate in championships optimally.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Salma Amalina, Bayu Agung Pramono, Muhammad , I Dewa Made Aryananda Wijaya Kusuma, Tengku Melissa Fitrah Binti Tengku Alam THE EFFECT OF SMALL-SIDED GAMES TRAINING ON THE DRIBBLING ABILITY OF SOCCER STUDENTS AT SMPN 4 KLARI 2024-03-31T13:49:29+00:00 Dira Fauzi Dira <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of small side games training method on dribbling ability in students participating in extracurricular football SMPN 4 Klari. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental research methods. In this study there was a population of 36 students with a sample of 31 students. The samples used were students participating in extracurricular football at SMPN 4 Klari class VII and VIII. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The instrument used in this study was the Short Dribbling Test (Bangsbo &amp; Mohr, 2012: 99). Data analysis techniques use t-test, namely by comparing pretest results with posttest in the experimental group. Based on the results of research that has been obtained by data analysis and hypothesis testing from the average before treatment and after treatment, there has been a significant improvement in small side games training methods on the dribbling ability of students participating in extracurricular football SMPN 4 Klari. When viewed from the average pretest of 19.35 and the average posttest of 18.51, a mean difference of 0.83 was obtained which showed that the small side games training method on the dribbling ability of students participating in extracurricular football SMPN 4 Klari showed a change of 4.48% better than before training.</em></p> 2024-03-31T13:20:57+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dira Fauzi Dira ANALYSIS OF AEROBIC ENDURANCE (VO2MAX) USING THE MFT TEST FOR ATHLETES OF DOJANG SPEED TAEKWONDO IN PELALAWAN DISTRICT, RIAU PROVINCE 2024-04-05T06:36:36+00:00 Arief Ramadan <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the aerobic endurance (Vo2Max) of athletes of dojang Speed Taekwondo Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province, and to find out the coach's efforts to improve the aerobic endurance of taekwondo athletes. In this study, researchers used a type of research with a quantitative approach. The method used in this research is the survey method with data collection techniques in the form of aerobic endurance tests using the MTF test.) Samples used in this study were 10 teenage class athletes of the Pelalawan Regency taekwondo speed dojang. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Aerobic Endurance (Vo2Max) Speed Taekwondo Youth Athletes Pelalawan Regency Riau Province is known that 3 athletes (30%) are categorized as very less, 6 athletes (60%) are categorized as less, 1 athlete (10%) is categorized as moderate. Based on this information, it can be seen that the results of the MFT test of teenage athletes Dojang Speed Taekwondo Pelalawan Regency Riau Province are categorized as "less".</p> 2024-03-31T14:11:18+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arief Ramadan THE EFFECT OF PLYOMETRIC EXERCISES ON LAY-UP ABILITY IN BASKETBALL GAMES AT UNO BASKETBALL CLUB 2024-04-15T09:50:45+00:00 oktavian Dwi Prasetyo Ikhsan Maulana Putra titis wulandari M.iqbal Al-Ihsan Chindi Yuliana <p><em>This research aims to reveal the influence of </em><em>Plyometric</em> <em>training on basketball lay-up ability with plyometric training. This research method is experimental research because this research requires treatment. The treatment is carried out on the independent variable and the results are seen on the dependent variable. The design used in this research is One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The exercise frequency used is 3 times a week. The length of training is 16 meetings over 5 weeks. The population in this study was the Basketball Uno Basketball club with a total of 35 people. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling, namely determining samples based on characteristics. The sample chosen was 15 players from the Basketball Uno Basketball club. From the results of data analysis, a sig value of 0.000 (sig &lt; 0.05) was obtained, which shows that there is an influence of Plyometric training on the basketball lay-up ability of the Basketball Uno Basketball club, in other words that there is an influence of Plyometric training on basketball playing ability.</em></p> 2024-04-02T13:27:58+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 oktavian Dwi Prasetyo, Ikhsan Maulana Putra, titis wulandari, M.iqbal Al-Ihsan, Chindi Yuliana PROFILE OF PHYSICAL CONDITION OF INDONESIAN JUNIOR BADMINTON ATHLETES 2024-04-02T14:09:09+00:00 Alam Hadi kosasih Dian Permana Irfan Zinat Dedi Iskandar <p><em>The purpose of this study was to reveal the profile of the physical condition of Indonesian junior badminton athletes. Participants in this study were 40 badminton athletes (age = 14-18 years, Male = 31, Female = 9). Research instruments on physical conditions are endurance, strength &amp; conditioning, speed, flexibility, and coordination. Data analysis with descriptive statistics. This study concludes the condition profile as follows; 1) Endurance in male athletes when viewed from an average of 60.29, then falls into the "good" category, then female athletes when viewed from an average of 54.86, then falls into the "good" category; 2) Strength &amp; conditioning in male athletes when viewed from an average of 5.70, then it is included in the "enough" category, then female athletes if viewed from an average of 4.78, it is in the "good" category; 3) Speed for male athletes when viewed from the average of 3.30, is in the "very good" category, then for female athletes if viewed from the average of 3.71, it is in the "excellent" category; 4) Flexibility in male athletes when viewed from an average of 21.42, is in the "good" category, then female athletes when viewed from an average of 14.22, is in the "enough" category; 5) Coordination for male athletes when viewed from an average of 11.46, is included in the "good" category, then for female athletes when viewed from an average of 13.49, it is included in the "good" category. Suggestions for future research are related to the test instruments used.</em></p> 2024-04-02T13:49:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PHYSICAL LITERACY LEVEL IN EARLY CHILDHOOD: USING THE PL-C QUEST INSTRUMENT 2024-04-15T09:38:04+00:00 Gita Febria Friskawati <p><em>The physical literacy level of early childhood must be known to determine appropriate intervention in the future. This research will reveal the level of physical literacy of young children using a survey method. A total of 105 children were involved in this research from various types of formal and non-formal early childhood education services. Sampling used convenience sampling to maintain the code of ethics for research in early childhood. The PL-C Quest instrument is used to measure the physical literacy level of early childhood. The data is processed descriptively, then categorization is made for the measurement results. The results reveal that the physical literacy level of boys is the highest compared to girls. The level of physical literacy in all domains for boys is in the medium category, while in the physical and psychological domains for girls is in the low category and the social and cognitive domains are in the medium category. These results can be used as a basis for creating intervention programs to increase physical literacy in early childhood education.</em></p> 2024-04-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gita Febria Friskawati Optimizing the Role of Instagram in Sports Product Digital Marketing Strategies 2024-04-15T09:55:08+00:00 Denaz Karuma Hijriansyah <p><em>Social media is a new reality in communication in today's digital era that can be used as a business communication strategy for marketers. Social media has strong roots to be a tool in increasing the growth of a business. The features facilitated by Instagram can be utilized as a digital marketing tool, in this case to trade sports product. These features trigger the emergence of creative ideas to launch brand or product campaigns to promos that can be used by sports product entrepreneurs in an effort to attract as many consumers as possible. The application of sports marketing strategies, especially in utilizing social media platforms such as Instagram, plays an important role. The method used in this study is literature review. Researcher and literature review containing a collection of concepts, definitions, and prepositions are inseparable things. This is because the literature review serves as an intermediary medium to be able to see events systematically through the specification of relationships that exist between variables which then helps researcher see the possibilities of the main topic of study. Researcher came to the conclusion that a social media platform called Instagram is still one of the online channels that has a positive value in sports digital marketing. This is revealed by the data exposure of the number of Instagram users globally and the number of specific users in Indonesia itself. The packaging of all sports product sold, requires the continuation of widespread promotion with more careful use of the role of Instagram features. It is important to prepare the required data on Instagram business accounts that can be observed regularly through the Instagram Insights feature while preparing and uploading attention-grabbing visual content in the form of photos, videos, information about sports product, and building interactions to strengthen relationships between users as business people and their followers using Instagram features such as Feeds, Reels, Stories, and Live as digital marketing tools.</em></p> 2024-04-03T12:48:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Denaz Karuma Hijriansyah Influence Of Learning Methods And Learning Motivation On The Learning Outcomes Of Service In Volleyball 2024-04-05T00:22:30+00:00 Yellia Tomasoa <table width="605"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="454"> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>___________________________________________________________This study aims to analyse: (1) the difference in the effect of STAD and TGT learning methods on learning outcomes of service in volleyball games, (2) the interaction between learning methods and motivation on learning outcomes of service in volleyball games, and (3) the difference in the effect of high motivation trained with <em>STAD </em>method and TGT method on learning outcomes of service in volleyball games, (4) the difference in the effect of low motivation trained with <em>STAD </em>method and TGT method on learning outcomes of service in volleyball games, This experimental research uses a <em>treatmen by level 2 x 2 design. The </em>subjects in this study were 24 Xaverius High School students. Data analysis technique using ANOVA.&nbsp; Based on hypothesis testing, the results of this study are: (1) overall there is a real difference between STAD and TGT methods on the learning outcomes of service in volleyball games. With the results of analysis of variance at the level of significance α = 0.05 obtained <sub>Fhitung </sub>&nbsp;= 21.48 and F<sub>tabel</sub> = 4.06 so that <sub>Fhitung </sub>&nbsp;&gt; F<sub>tabel </sub>&nbsp;, (2) there is an interaction between the learning methods used with motivation to the learning outcomes of service in volleyball games. With the calculation of anava, that the price of <sub>Fhitung </sub>interaction F(AxB) = 14.97 and F<sub>tabel </sub>&nbsp;= 4.06 so that <sub>Fhit</sub>ung &gt; F<sub>tabel </sub>&nbsp;, (3) There are differences in learning outcomes service in groups of students who have high motivation trained with STAD meth<em>o</em><sub>d and TG</sub>T training method (Qhitung 6.74 &gt; 3.86 Q ,). 3.86 Q<sub>tabel</sub> ,), (4) There is no difference in service learning outcomes in groups of highly motivated students trained with the STAD method and the TGT training method (<sub>Qcount </sub>1.00 &lt; 3.79 Q<sub>tabel)</sub> . Conclusion: (1) STAD method is better than TGT method on the learning outcomes of service in volleyball game, (2) there is an interaction between learning methods and concentration on the learning outcomes of service in volleyball game, (3) students with high motivation and trained with STAD and TGT methods are better than students with low motivation trained with STAD and TGT methods.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-04-05T00:21:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yellia Tomasoa The Impact of Sports Infrastructure and Pedagogical Competence of Physical Education Teachers on the Increase of Volleyball 2024-04-20T11:31:38+00:00 Tuan Anggi Nuhudawi S <p>This quantitative study investigates the impact of sports infrastructure and the pedagogical competence of physical education (PE) teachers on the interest in volleyball among junior high school students in Medan City, Indonesia. With a focus on addressing the sedentary lifestyle prevalent among adolescents, the research aims to contribute to the enhancement of sports education by examining these key factors. Employing a structured questionnaire and utilizing SPSS version 27 for data analysis, the study analyzed responses from 54 participants through t-test, F-test, and coefficient of determination (R-square) tests. Findings indicate that both the quality of sports infrastructure and the competence of PE teachers significantly influence students' sports interest. Specifically, well-maintained facilities and skilled educators were found to collectively account for 67.1% of the variance in sports interest, highlighting their pivotal roles in promoting physical activities. The study underscores the need for a holistic approach in sports education, emphasizing the development of sports facilities and the enhancement of teacher training to foster a more inclusive and engaging sports culture among students.</p> 2024-04-20T11:28:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tuan Anggi Nuhudawi S The Influence of Music on The Endurance of The Bandung Running Community 2024-04-23T12:24:20+00:00 Yordhi Lesmana Putra Sandey Tantra Paramitha SANDEY@UPI.EDU Mustika Fitri Agung Wahyudi <p>This study aims to explore the influence of listening to music on running performance and endurance in the running community of Bandung City. The method used involves the utilization of Survey Monkey as an instrument to gather data from respondents through specifically designed online questionnaires. The questionnaire includes inquiries about the preferred time for running exercises, the type of music listened to, the duration and intensity of running, and the impact of music on the running experience. Additionally, a qualitative approach is employed as thematic analysis of respondents' responses to delve into their perceptions of the influence of music in the context of running. The results of this study reveal that the average age of respondents falls within the range of 18-45 years among 400 respondents, divided into 150 females and 250 males, with the majority being students. The majority of respondents run with a frequency of 40.00% per week. The timing of running exercises tends to be more dominant in the morning, reaching 72.50% of the total respondents. More than half of the respondents, 57.50%, use devices to listen to music while running. The majority of them, 73.98%, listen to pop music genres. Additionally, 47.37% of respondents are able to sustain a running duration of more than 30 minutes. These findings provide a better understanding of running exercise preferences and habits, as well as highlight the potential influence of music on the physical and mental activities of individuals in the running community.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yordhi Lesmana Putra, Sandey Tantra Paramitha, Mustika Fitri, Agung Wahyudi