An Effort to Increase Awareness of Maintaining the Health of the People of Cimara Village Through Free Examinations and Treatment With Luragung KMC Hospital

  • Kkn Desa Cimara Kkn Desa Cimara STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan
  • Ramdhani Rahman STKIP Muhammadiyah Kuningan


Health is something that is highly desired by all living things on this earth,  because a sick body condition will make a person unproductive and get the risk if death in the current covid-19 pandemic condition, keeping the body in good health is the main thing that always needs to be done. The world community is trying to avoid exposure to the covid-19 virus. The purpose of this activity is through free screening and treatment activities aimed at the entire community of Cimara village with the hope of increasing awareness of the importance of maintaining health by carrying out routine health checks from an early age both through clinics and local health centers. The method in implementing this service activity includes the planning stage, the information provision stage and the implemeetation stage. Providing information on the implementation stage with this activity the community can submit complaints and consult with doctors about the disease they are suffering si that people will understand the importance of maintaining health, this can minimize the number of deaths caused by a lack of understanding of the imfortance of routine health checks from an early age either through local clinics and healt centers.

Keywords: health, checkup, free treatment, RSU KMC Luragung


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